So, that you can finally enjoy the economy aspect of Skyrim. I have listed the best merchant mods, trade overhauls, vendor enhancements, and the top trading related Skyrim Special Edition mods for you. I'll take a look at those other mods though.Best Voiced Follower Mods Skyrim Special Edition Really the most effective trees boil down to conjuration and illusion. Considering how destruction magic on vanilla *doesn't scale* that tree becomes ENTIRELY useless late game, same with most other trees. Any style is beatable on legendary, but its just far more effective to do it more as a warrior or rogue style than a mage. I notice clear effects differences between NPC magic and player magic. Overhauling the system to make it worthwhile to use a variety of any of the already existing spells.would be.preferable.Īnd As before, I feel like unless you hard focus on a mage its extremely difficult to be effective as the player. The spell packages I'm not a fan of because I usually find one I like and just default to that, which is more of the same. (short of grinding "legendary"-ing all my skills) The problem with that is it makes the game too specialized for me since I have to over focus as a mage, I have less in stealth or whatever else I may feel like using. I should have mentioned this in the OP but I've looked a little bit and the majority of the mods seem to be just adding new perks, and clumps of new spells. I'm not too interested in most of the magic mods I've seen so far. So are there any mods you guys would recommend that overhaul the magic system? I'm not necessarily looking for NEW spells, just a way to rebalance the system.

Even summoning meatshields results in NPCs circling around them and catching up to you, and ice magic doesn't slow worth ♥♥♥♥) (I think its hilarious that as a mage, you resort to summoning weapons to fight XD. For this reason I've never dedicated myself to a mage playthrough because everytime I think it'll be fun, after the early game levels it just gets boring relying on summon dremora, and mass panic. (Constantly resisting urge to list every issue I have with it). I find being a mage as a player is utterly pointless for a (once again) long list of reasons, it is horrifically undertuned and aside from relying on a few OP gimmicks its not very workable, I find.

Mods that rebalance the whole magic system. To be honest, the overal list of issues is much much longer, so instead I'm gonna ask about a topic I don't have much experience in.

I had another thread complaining about a couple issues I had with ice magic.